up and down I see things now i have seen earlier but its different now hold me tight, so I don't fall wait ! u too standing upside down u smile and make me drunk ur smile intoxicate than any drug u talk silly, u act one n u say i am drunk! u are so confused or crazy? oh oh I see u too are drunk i am drunk U knw tht but u are laughing as if u are u smile and i go tipsy oh god is this a reverse action? seems the night is drunk for I am writing like a big trunk the lines seems not to end woahhh!! more lines are to come should i add up to the lines? or the drunken poem is to end? wait! u got to listen to it tonight the broken wheels still need to mend u added to my bottle and you say you are fresh; come on this is not done the night is still long lets talk abt me and u, lets share present and future too the car is broken and the streets are lone my poem is on and the bottle is full on ...