Marriage Aggrement
“Where you going?” Mom stopped Neeta as she was about to leave for somewhere. “I have my tutions Mom”, Neeta replied and she simply went. “What’s going on with this girl? Neither she needs to talk nor listens anything. I am just fed up of her. Tonight I got to talk to her anyway”, Mom determines to have a talk with her. On her way Neeta’s mind are kept occupied by the things Mom talked to her the day before. They had a serious talk about Neeta’s marriage and she was opposing it. The day before “What did you think about the proposal that I had for you?” mom asked Neeta. “Which one mom?” Neeta tries to act innocent. “Did you see the photo? Do you have anything to ask about it?” mom kept on questioning her. “Maa I am not thinking about it at all and I don’t want to talk about it too. I have told you earlier I don’t want to get married now”, Neeta’s rejection was strong. “Who have asked you to get married now? I just want you to meet the boy. You two c...
in this beautiful world! :)